
Simplifying complexity in IP Law

Simplifying complexity in IP Law


The success of Finnegan’s client partnerships depends on attorneys’ ability to explain complicated ideas in simple, useful ways. Simplicity was the guiding principle in the development of their website. I worked with a team to develop wireframes and page template designs across responsive states. I also had a key role in determining imagery style, photography style, and color palette for the site.

Role: Senior Designer
Skills: User Experience Design, User Interface Design, Development Oversight


Best Practices
I created wireframes and page template designs across three responsive states. Clean and precise, with a focus on simple navigation and search functionality, Finnegan’s web presence now matches their approach to IP law and organization culture.


Responsive Page Design
I layered design elements onto these wireframes to bring the page templates to life.  Page template designs are crisp and clean, punctuated by moments of delightful illustration or special typographic styling. By creating prototypes throughout the design process, I ensured that the presentation of information would be just as simple and scannable on mobile as on desktop.


Brand Evolution
We amplified the existing brand by introducing a few new elements, anchored by “Finnegan Green.” A sharp hero typeface speaks to the precision that Finnegan brings to their work. I developed a jewel-toned secondary color palette, plus a new portrait style, to bring warmth and a human feel to the site. The custom illustrations make complex topics understandable for all.


Close Collaboration
We partnered with Studio Muti to develop custom illustrations for Finnegan’s practice areas and other capabilities. The illustrations match Finnegan’s approach to simplification of complex information. I advocated for featuring custom illustrations as a way to differentiate from competitors, whose sites often use expected stock photography.


Created at Carbone Smolan Agency
Creative Direction: Paul Pierson, Adam Snetman

Helen Dear

Made with 🖤 
in Atlanta

© 2025 Helen Dear
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